Sunday, September 18, 2011

is it fall yet?

Two blog posts in one weekend?! Please don't expect this to happen ever again :)

I must have been bitten by the Autumn bug because for the past week I've been burning my pumpkin pie candle, listening to Christmas music (I'm embarrassed to admit how early I start doing this...), and thinking about decorating the house for fall.

I have two projects to share with you today. I saw both of them online, but I forgot to bookmark them :( If you find links to the originals, please post them in the comments!

Anyway, on to the first project.

I picked up a couple of plastic pumpkins at Target yesterday (for about $5 a piece). Don't worry about that ugly orange spot. I took care of it.

Then, I used a pen to draw some swirlies all around the pumpkin. Add a little bit of hot glue and a lot of glitter, and I ended up with...

Glittery pumpkins :) They're on our "bar" in this picture but I hate cluttered counters, so I moved them to the floor by our TV stand.

Here's my second fall project... candy corn decorations!

I picked up a couple styrofoam cones in the floral section, some cream colored buttons, and yarn (in orange, yellow, and white)

And then I got to work wrapping! This was so easy... it took maybe fifteen minutes to finish both cones.

They fit nicely next to my TV stand arrangement :)

Yes, I was watching Cops. And yes, that is cocaine on that guy's face.

That's all for now... now I have to go clean up after myself. You know how they say that glitter is the herpes of the crafting world? They weren't lyin'. It's all over the house. And in my hair. And on all of the animals.


  1. Sarah, you mentioned buttons. What did you use those for? Just curious. Maybe I am blind!

  2. I forgot to mention those! They go on the top of the cones to cover up the styrofoam.


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